Ceremonies and rituals

How we can work with Sacred Moon Blood

One of the most simple yet powerful ways is to gather own moon blood - with help of mooncup or by rinsing sanitary towels in water - and say prayer on it. 

In many cultures the power of Moon Blood is well known - men can't offer something like this and so in sacrifices they sometimes cut themselves and offer blood from wounds.
Blood is something what we create on our own and is our natural give away in any intention we wish to manifest.

It is now a moment that we enter times of peace and unity so let's keep our intentions connected to harmony and peace. 

Gathered Moon Blood can be offered to Earth and before that offered to Sky and directions as well (4 sides of the world).
Another ways is to anoint herbs like sage - and make a prayer with their smoke. 

Ceremonial Menstruation by Jasmine Starchild from Canada, deep and powerfuly inspiring video with Sacred Blood offering ceremony
Thank you Jasmine for giving us a chance to share this moment with you and for sharing your wisdom with us.